Registered participants can view conference papers delivered at virtual events and in-person hubs across the globe on COVE Conferences.

The challenge of seeing all those papers at COVE Conferences is finding your way to what interests you and finding a time to annotate each other’s work. The topic-based threads below are meant to help scholars find, read, and annotate related papers.


Carolyn Vellenga Berman (The New School), “Populism and Political Spectacle in Barnaby Rudge: Reading Dickens After January 6th (Boston hub)

Kirsti Bohata (Swansea University), ‘“For the good of everyone who lives there”: Poaching, Protest and “the Common Good” (Keynote, Cardiff hub)

Florence Boos (University of Iowa), “Advocacy, Prophecy, Warning: Morris as Elder Statesman” (West Lafayette hub)

Barbara Leckie (Carleton University), “Storms Clouds Redux: Thinking Through Extreme Weather Events, Past and Present” (Keynote, Montréal hub)

Aestheticism and Decadence

Veronic Alfano (Macquarie University), “Exhibiting Aestheticism: Embodiment, Abstraction, and the Avant-Garde as Commodity” (Melbourne hub)

Pamela Gilbert (University of Florida), “Vernon Lee Reckons with Satan” (Atlanta hub) and also slide deck

Neil Hultgren (California State University, Long Beach), “Olaf Stapledon, Decadence, and the Longue Durée of Victorian Romance” (Davis hub)

Justin Rogers (Texas A&M University), “Late Victorian Decadent Fiction and the Question of Significant Endings” (Waco hub)

Jonah Siegel (Rutgers University), “‘A life spent training for the sight!’  Event and Experience between Carlyle and Pater” (Boson hub)

Taylor Tomko (Western University), “Not made for any earthly amori:” Radical Aestheticism in Vernon Lee’s Hauntings” (Montréal hub)

Leann Weaver (Texas State University), “Muse of a Feminine Nature: Desire, Love, and Beauty in the Poetry of Olive Custance” (Waco hub)


Veronic Alfano (Macquarie University), “Exhibiting Aestheticism: Embodiment, Abstraction, and the Avant-Garde as Commodity” (Melbourne hub)

Sally Blackburn-Daniels (Teesside University) and Matthew Bradley (University of Liverpool), “Turn-of-the-Century Aesthetics in the Age of AI: Vernon Lee and Refik Anadol” (Lancaster hub)

Ursula Kluwick (University of Bern), “Blue Aesthetics: The Creative Energy of Water in Victorian Fiction” (Konstanz hub)

Diana Maltz (Southern Oregon University), “Lionel Haweis’s Settler Aestheticism in  Tsoqalem: A Weird Indian Tale of the Cowichan Monster and  ‘The Legend of the Salt-Chuck Oluk’” (Seattle hub) and also slide deck

Benjamin Morgan (University of Chicago), “Hugh Miller and the Theological Aesthetics of Deep Time” (West Lafayette hub)

Jennifer Rabedeau (Cornell University), “The Aesthetics of Preservation” (Boston hub) and also slide deck

Ana Raquel Rojas (University of San Francisco), “‘We people of the nineteenth century’ – Vernon Lee’s Temporal & Aesthetic Philosophy of the Fin-de-siècle” (Davis hub)

Taylor Tomko (Western University), “Not made for any earthly amori:” Radical Aestheticism in Vernon Lee’s Hauntings” (Montréal hub)

Artificial Intelligence

Sally Blackburn-Daniels and Matthew Bradley, “Turn-of-the-Century Aesthetics in the Age of AI: Vernon Lee and Refik Anadol” (Lancaster hub)

Roger Whitson (Washington State University), “Ada Lovelace’s Time-Critique: Computer Timing and Digital History” (Seattle hub)

Adrian Wisnicki (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), SLIDE DECK: “Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Victorian Studies” (Lancaster hub)

Astronomy, Geology, and the Epochal

Ash Faulkner (University of North Florida), “Victorians on Venus” (Atlanta hub) and also slide deck

Stephen Hancock (Brigham Young University, Hawaii), “The Political, the Planetary, and the Event of Coloniality in The Jungle Books” (Seoul hub)

Justin Jones (Baylor University), “The Charms of Cataclysm: Rethinking the Legacy of Romantic Doom Literature” (Waco hub)

Stefanie Markovits (Yale University), “George Eliot’s Epochs” (Boston hub)

Benjamin Morgan (University of Chicago), “Hugh Miller and the Theological Aesthetics of Deep Time” (West Lafayette hub)

Kexin Song (University of Washington), “Tracing Extinction in the Folio: A Stratigraphic Reading of Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (Seattle hub)

Wendy Wood (Wharton County Junior College), “Building London from the Pyramids: Layered History as Cultural Foundation in R. Rider Haggard’s She” (Waco hub)


Matt Poland (University of Washington), “After the Gold Rush: Pastoral Futures and the Limits of Sympathy in Middlemarch” (Seattle hub)

Juliet Shields (University of Washington), “Catherine Helen Spence’s Pacific Victorian Utopia” (Seattle hub) and also slide deck

Michelle Smith (Monash), “Hybridising Nature in Colonial Australian and New Zealand Fairy Tales” (Melbourne hub) and also slide deck

Biography & Autobiography

Andrew Chang (University of Toronto) “Impressions of the English-Opium Eater: Self-fashioning in Victorian Fictional Autobiography” (Montréal hub) and also slide deck

Emily Harbin (Converse University), “Rewriting Relationships: Annie Besant and George Bernard Shaw” (Atlanta hub)

Carol MacKay (University of Texas), “”Rebooting the Self: Victorians Rewrite Their Autobiographies” (Waco hub)

Alan Rauch (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), “Autobiography – A Darwinian Event” (Montréal hub)

Blue Humanities, Ocean & Water Studies, Pacific Studies

Ian Duncan (UC Berkeley), “‘The Doors of the Pacific’: Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Wrecker and also slide deck (keynote panel, Davis hub)

Barbara Franchi (Durham University), “Neo-Victorian Ecocriticism: Non-Human Vitality and the Sea in A. S. Byatt, Amitav Ghosh and Sarah Moss” (Konstanz hub)

Ann Garascia (California State University, San Bernardino), “Seaweed at the Green Dragon: Archiving the Ocean through Pressed and Photographed Plants” (Davis hub)

Ursula Kluwick (University of Bern), “Blue Aesthetics: The Creative Energy of Water in Victorian Fiction” (Konstanz hub)

Matt Kerr (University of Southampton), “Head Chowder: Kipling’s Wasteless Waters” (Lancaster hub)

Elizabeth Carolyn Miller (UC Davis), “The Industrial Ocean” and also annotatable image (digital panel)

Deborah Denenholz Morse (William & Mary), “Haunted Atlantic Waters: Enslavement, Impressment, and Whaling in Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘Sylvia’s Lovers’”; also, slide deck (Boston hub)

Christina Shiea (University of Washington), “‘The Effects of this Liquid Element’: Viewing Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea through the Aquarium” (Seattle hub)

Bodies, Health, & Disease
Botany, Animals, & the Natural World
The Brontës
Carlyle, Thomas

Valery Goutorova (University of Saint Andrews), “A Room of Carlyle’s Own: Virginia Woolf’sVisits to Carlyle’s House Museum” (Stirling hub)

Marisa Palacios Knox (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), “Thomas Carlyle’s Other Revolutions: On South American Heroes and ‘Dr. Francia'” (Waco hub)

Jonah Siegel (Rutgers University), “‘A life spent training for the sight!’  Event and Experience between Carlyle and Pater” (Boson hub)

Matthew Skwiat (Morehouse University), Thomas Carlyle’s Eventful History: The French Revolution and the Melodramatic Mode (Atlanta hub)

Gregory Tate (University of Saint Andrews), The Grammar of Events: Thomas Carlyle and the History and Politics of Style (Stirling hub) and also slide deck

Rachel Teukolsky (Vanderbilt), “Counter-Enlightenments: Carlyle’s Conservatism and the European Far-Right in the Early 19th Century” (Atlanta hub)

Celebrity & Authorship

Sarah Bilston, “Sarah Grand, Matilda Betham-Edwards, and an Awkward Event in Tunbridge Wells” (Boston hub)

Scott Caddy (Georgia Tech), “Literary Undead: The Long Afterlives of Victorian Authors” (Atlanta hub) and slide deck

Aaron Eames (Navitas), “The Death of a Poet: Remembering Wilde” (Cardiff hub) and also slide deck

Valery Goutorova (University of Saint Andrews), “A Room of Carlyle’s Own: Virginia Woolf’s Visits to Carlyle’s House Museum” (Stirling hub)

Margaret Stetz (University of Delaware), “Celebrity Jeopardy, Late-Victorian Style” (Boston hub) and also slide deck


Jade Correge (University of Melbourne), “Fairy Tale Motifs in Two Books for Children on the Great Exhibition” (Melbourne hub)

Laura Gill (University of Lincoln), “Lucky Beatrix and the Tullivers:  The Child in Victorian Flood Narratives, 1860–70” (Stirling hub)

Anna McCullough (University of Saint Andrews) “Evolutionary Events and Narratives in Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden” (Belfast hub)

Hayley Salo (University of Louisville), “Tense Threads: The Culture and Labour of Embroidery in Nineteenth Century Missionary Schools” (West Lafayette hub) and also slide deck

Michelle Smith (Monash), “Hybridising Nature in Colonial Australian and New Zealand Fairy Tales” (Melbourne hub plenary) and also slide deck

Katherine Stein (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) “Making History in Victorian Birthday Books: The Child Author and the Event of the Birthday” (Atlanta hub)

Virginia Zimmerman (Bucknell University), “Serializing Children: Homemade Periodicals of Pre-Raphaelite and Bloomsbury Children” (Boston hub) and also slide deck

Death, Mourning, and Melancholia

Brittani Allen (University of Cardiff), “Apocalyptic Ecologies of Death and Dying in Shelley’s The Last Man” (Cardiff hub) and also slide deck

Aaron Eames (Navitas), “The Death of a Poet: Remembering Wilde” (Cardiff hub) and also slide deck

Morgan Lee (University of Cardiff), ‘“Deadicated to Arthur: The Return of Arthur Henry Hallam in Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s Idylls of the King” (Cardiff hub) and also slide deck

Alan Rauch (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), “Autobiography – A Darwinian Event” (Montréal hub)

Noa Reich (University of Lethbridge), “Dracula and Transmission at Death: Mortmain and the Vampiric Corporate Body” (Boulder hub)

Desire, Sexuality, Asexuality

Aaron Eames (Navitas), “The Death of a Poet: Remembering Wilde” (Cardiff hub) and also slide deck

Valery Goutorova (University of Saint Andrews), “A Room of Carlyle’s Own: Virginia Woolf’sVisits to Carlyle’s House Museum”

Rebecca Hamilton (University of Aberdeen), “‘Blotted Out’: Dracula and the Erasure of Sexual Violence” (Stirling hub)

Dr Helena Ifill (University of Aberdeen), “After the Greatest Event of a Woman’s Life: Sexual Knowledge in Late-Victorian Popular Culture and Medical Writing” (Stirling hub) and also slide deck

Leland Jasperse (University of Chicago), “Singles Going Steady: Short Form, Celibacy, and the ‘Event’ of Sexuality” (Boulder hub)

Andrew Way Leong (UC Berkeley), “Silver, Quicksilver: The Queer, Toxic Specie of Victorians in/of the Pacific” (Davis hub) and also slide deck

Dana Moss (University of Michigan), “’Brimming kisses’: Aquatic Intimacies in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Willowwood Sonnets” (West Lafayette hub)

Dickens, Charles

Nicole Bouchard (Whitworth University), “From Hearth to Stage: Critiquing the Condition of England for Women in Mary Barton” (Seattle hub)

Riley McGuire (Worcester State University), “The Queen, the Assassin, the Stammerer” (Boston hub) and also slide deck

Talia Schaffer (Queen’s College CUNY), “Reading with Care: Cranford, Collectivity and the Conditions of Domestic Labor” (Boston hub) and also slide deck

Search and join also the “Disability Panel” from May 10


Sieun Cha (Yonsei University), “Bram Stoker’s Vampire and its Victims as Neurotics” (Seoul hub)

Rebecca Hamilton (University of Aberdeen), “‘Blotted Out’: Dracula and the Erasure of Sexual Violence” (Stirling hub)

Sarah Margaret Pittman (University of Mississippi), “Novel Endings: Renewal and Exhaustion in Geoge Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss and Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (Waco hub) and also slide deck

Noa Reich (University of Lethbridge), “Dracula and Transmission at Death: Mortmain and the Vampiric Corporate Body” (Boulder hub)

Nancy Rosenberg England (Tarrant County College), “Extraordinary Events: Memory and Madness in Dracula (Waco hub)

Kexin Song (University of Washington), “Tracing Extinction in the Folio: A Stratigraphic Reading of Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (Seattle hub)

Eliot, George

Rosemond Cates (The University of Texas at Dallas) “In the Event You Meet a Stranger: Conmen and the Ethics of Hospitality in ‘Brother Jacob’” (Waco hub) and also slide deck

Daniel Hack (University of Michigan) “Why Always That Dorothea? Toward a More Meaningful Realism” (West Lafayette hub)

Melissa Jenkins (Wake Forest University), “George Eliot, the Crowd, and the Case for Abstraction” (Atlanta hub) and also handout

Stefanie Markovits (Yale University), “George Eliot’s Epochs” (Boston hub)

Ruth M. McAdams (Skidmore College) “Confession under Torture: The Fiction of Eliot’s Romola” (Montréal hub)

Melissa McLeod (Georgia State University), “George Eliot’s Emotional Networks” (Atlanta hub) and also slide deck

Sarah Margaret Pittman (University of Mississippi), “Novel Endings: Renewal and Exhaustion in Geoge Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss and Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (Waco hub) and also slide deck

Kathryn Poole (Lancaster University), “Dinah’s Proclamations of Love in Adam Bede” (Lancaster hub) and also slide deck

Chimi Woo (Prairie View A&M University), “Victorian Others and the Bildungsroman in George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda” (Waco hub)

Energy and Resource Depletion/Pollution
Evolution & Anthropology

Drew Banghart (West Liberty University), “Recovering Egypt from the Egyptologist: Marie Corelli and the Late-Victorian Resistance to Disciplinarity” (West Lafayette hub) and also slide deck

Richard Fallon (University of Birmingham), “Politicians’ Deluge: Literary Science and Global Flood Myths” (Stirling hub)

Luciana Hermida (Liverpool John Moores University), “Imagining the Invisible: Art and Science in the Work of Charles Darwin and Ernst Haeckel” (Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden hub) and also slide deck

Yixuan Jiang (University of Washington), “The ‘Middle Way’ between Evolution and Religion: Hybridity as a Method of Survival in Kipling’s Kim” (Seattle hub)

Anna McCullough (University of Saint Andrews), “Evolutionary Events and Narratives in Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden” (Belfast hub)

Alan Rauch (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), “Autobiography – A Darwinian Event” (Montréal hub)

Feminist Networks and Connections

Melissa McLeod (Georgia State University), “George Eliot’s Emotional Networks” (Atlanta hub) and also slide deck

Lucy Ella Rose (University of Surrey), “’Sisters of the Yellow Book: Creative Sorority at the Fin de Siecle’” (Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden hub) and also slide deck

Talia Schaffer (Queen’s College CUNY), “Reading with Care: Cranford, Collectivity and the Conditions of Domestic Labor” (Boston hub) and also slide deck

Lena Wånggren (University of Edinburgh), Slide Deck for “The 1888 Match Girls Strike: Literature and Labour” (Stirling hub)

Gaskell, Elizabeth

Eleanor Courtemanche (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), “Apocalypse Normal: Trauma and Economic Repetition in Gaskell’s North and South” (West Lafayette hub)

Deborah Denenholz Morse (William & Mary), “Haunted Atlantic Waters: Enslavement, Impressment, and Whaling in Elizabeth Gaskell’s *Sylvia’s Lovers*” (Boston hub)”; also, slide deck

Jessica Starbird (North Carolina State University), “Confining Oneself to Lies: Serialization in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Round the Sofa” (Atlanta hub)

Law and Legislation

Kimberly Cox (Chadron State College), “Silences As Event: Naming Rape in ‘The Beetle’ and ‘The Parasite’” (Boulder hub)

Ruth Derham, “The Victorian in Relation to the Contemporary: Decadent Divorce v. Digital Divorce” (Cardiff hub) and slide deck

Crystal Veronie (University of Alabama), “Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Revisions of Aurora Leigh and the Medical Act of 1858” (Atlanta hub) and also slide deck

Sophia Yoon (Emory University), “The Inevitability of Liberalism in Adam Bede” (Undergraduate Paper, Atlanta hub)

Literary Distinction, Oblivion, & Recovery
Lyric Poetry

Veronic Alfano (Macquarie University), “Exhibiting Aestheticism: Embodiment, Abstraction, and the Avant-Garde as Commodity” (Melbourne hub)

Melinda Creech (Creech Prairie Restoration), “‘Grandeza en Humildad’: The Search for a Missing Manuscript of Gerard Manley Hopkins” (Waco hub)

Li-hsin Hsu (National ChengChi University), “’Until the Moss had reached our lips –’: Dickinson’s Ecological Queering of the Transatlantic Literary Kinship” (Seoul hub)

Amy Kahrmann Huseby (Rice University), “Constance Naden’s Queer ‘Scientific Wooing’” (digital panel)

Ewan Jones (University of Cambridge), On Close Reading (digital panel)

Herbert Tucker (University of Virginia), “Hardy’s Wintertime Blues” and accompanying close-reading exercise, including a blues rendition of Hardy’s poem (annotation on “Thomas Hardy”) (digital panel)

Ruixue Zhang (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong), “Failed Progress and Nonsense Events: Christina Rossetti’s Cross-Gender Poetics” (Seoul hub)


Charlotte Boyce (University of Portsmouth), “Haunting Narratives: Remembering the Lost Franklin Expedition in post-1854 Arctic Fiction” (Cardiff hub) and also slide deck

Miriam Burstein (SUNY Brockport), “‘An unceasing and zealous abounding in the work of the Lord: William Carus Wilson and Victorian Clerical Masculinity” (Boston hub)

Kristen Hanley Cardozo (Northeastern University), “Brutal Logic: The Divided Masculinity of Stevenson’s Strange Case” (Davis hub)

Elizabeth Rawlinson-Mills (University of Cambridge), “Imperial masculinities in the newspaper poetry of the South African War, 1899-1902” (Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden hub) and also slide deck

The Mind

Matthew Hoch (Auburn University), Slide Deck: “The Crucifixion: A Synthesis of Victorian Theology and Theater” (Atlanta hub)

Sarah Meer (Cambridge University), ‘Theatrical Adaptation and Song: Green Bushes and Rory O’More’ (Lancaster hub)

Roger Whitson (Washington State University), “Ada Lovelace’s Time-Critique: Computer Timing and Digital History” (Seattle hub)

Newspapers and Periodicals

Eric Bontempo (Abilene Christian University), “Anthologizing Religious Periodical Poetry in Middle-Class Victorian Miscellanies” (Waco hub)

Francesca Colonnese (University of Washington), “Reprinting Rossetti in the Paper: Periodical Reuse as Undercutting Place in Favor of Transtemporality” (Seattle hub) and also slide deck

Bethany Dahlstrom (Lancaster University), “Women and Birds in Edward Linley Sambourne’s Punch Cartoons” (Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden hub)

Denae Dyck (Texas State University), “New Woman Poetics and Refigured Religion in Fin-de-Siècle Periodicals” (Waco hub) and also slide deck

Linda K. Hughes (Texas Christian University), “Amy Levy’s Interrupted Serial Poem in The Pelican” (Waco hub)

Richard McBrearty (Football Memories, Scotland), “The start of something big: Scotland and the Birth of International Football” (Stirling hub)

Jonathan Potter (Birmingham City University), “Information as Event: Miscellany and Event in the Periodicals of the 1830s” (Lancaster hub) and also slide deck

Elizabeth Rawlinson-Mills (University of Cambridge), “Imperial masculinities in the newspaper poetry of the South African War, 1899-1902” (Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden hub) and also slide deck

Jessica Starbird (North Carolina State University), “Confining Oneself to Lies: Serialization in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Round the Sofa” (Atlanta hub)

Gregory Tate (University of Saint Andrews), The Grammar of Events: Thomas Carlyle and the History and Politics of Style (Stirling hub) and also slide deck

Claire Stainthorp (Queen Mary, University of London), “The British Freethought Movement and Periodical Forms” (Lancaster hub)

Gillian Walters (University of Nottingham), ‘ “Prematurely sere and old”: Periodical Publishing and Emily Hickey’s ‘A Dead Worker’ (Lancaster hub)

Sarah Yoon (Yonsei University), “British Interests and Western Views of Korea, 1880’s-1890’s: Periodicals and Travel Accounts” (Seoul hub)

Virginia Zimmerman (Bucknell University), “Serializing Children: Homemade Periodicals of Pre-Raphaelite and Bloomsbury Children” (Boston hub) and also slide deck

About the Profession, Victorian Studies, and EVENT 2024

Dino Franco Felluga (Purdue University), “Open Assembly —Building for the Future after the Collapse of the Humanities” (Konstanz hub)

Paul Fyfe (North Carolina State University), The Advent of Periodical Indexes and the Event of Victorian Studies (Atlanta hub)

Anna Gibson (North Carolina State University), Expanding the Margins: Annotation as Critical Practice (Atlanta hub)

Irmtraud Huber (University of Konstanz), “Knowing our Strength—Humanities Skills as Transformative Skills” (Konstanz hub) (Konstanz hub)

Mary Isbell (University of New Haven) and Lauren Boasso (University of New Haven), “The End of Victorian Literature” (Boston hub)

Barbara Leckie (Carleton University), “Storms Clouds Redux: Thinking Through Extreme Weather Events, Past and Present” (Keynote, Montréal hub)


Kirsti Bohata (Swansea University), ‘“For the good of everyone who lives there”: Poaching, Protest and “the Common Good” (Cardiff hub plenary lecture)

CR Dean (University of Florida), “The Swarthy Other: Marian Halcombe in Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White” (Atlanta hub)

Alexander Dick (University of British Columbia), “Walter Scott, Pauline Johnson/Takehionwake, and the Vancouver Picturesque” (Seattle hub plenary panel) and also slide deck and longer version

Ross Forman (University of Warwick), Slide Deck for “‘This is England, not China’: The Furore over Sun Yat-sen’s Imprisonment in London, 1896” (Stirling hub)

Melissa Jenkins (Wake Forest University), “George Eliot, the Crowd, and the Case for Abstraction” (Atlanta hub) and also handout

Sophia Jochem, “Dickens Reset: Dombey and Son and the Forms of Black Barbadian Capital” (Frankfurt hub)

Emma Davenport (Emory University), “Armadale and Apprenticeship: Contractual Slavery in the British Caribbean and Beyond” (Atlanta hub)

Ji-Eun Kim (The Catholic University of Korea), “The Discourse on Colors in Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White” (Seoul hub)

Cassie LeGette (University of Georgia), “Remembering the Morant Bay Rebellion with Claude McKay” (Atlanta hub)

Deborah Denenholz Morse (William & Mary), “Haunted Atlantic Waters: Enslavement, Impressment, and Whaling in Elizabeth Gaskell’s *Sylvia’s Lovers*” (Boston hub)”; also, slide deck

Daniel A. Novak (University of Alabama), “‘Brittanic Fluid’: Britishness, The Cagots, and ‘European Whiteness’” (Atlanta hub)

Kendrick Rowan (The Free University of Berlin), “Colonial Spirit Quest in Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Man Who Would be King’ and Kim” (Frankfurt hub)

Hayley Salo (University of Louisville), “Tense Threads: The Culture and Labour of Embroidery in Nineteenth Century Missionary Schools” (West Lafayette hub) and also slide deck

Jessica Valdez (Louisiana State University), “The Memetic Form of Bret Harte’s Ah Sin: From the American West to The Way We Live Now” (Atlanta hub)

Realism and Genre

Renee Fox (UC Santa Cruz), “Genre and the Making of Monsters” (Davis hub)

Daniel Hack (University of Michigan) “Why Always That Dorothea? Toward a More Meaningful Realism” (West Lafayette hub)

Benjamin O’Dell (Georgia Gwinnett College), “The Prism of History in Sketches by Boz” (Atlanta hub)

Justin Prystash (National Taiwan Normal University), “Love in the Twilight Absolute: Emily Brontë and May Sinclair as Verse Novelists” (Davis hub)

Amy Wong (Dominican University), “Realisms at the Brink: Thomas Hardy and Sixth Generation Chinese Film” (Davis hub)


Pip Beatson (Georgia Gwinnett College), “Aurora Leigh and the Apocalypse of Faith” (Undergraduate Paper, Atlanta hub)

Eric Bontempo (Abilene Christian University), “Anthologizing Religious Periodical Poetry in Middle-Class Victorian Miscellanies” (Waco hub)

Slide Deck for Matthew Hoch (Auburn University), “The Crucifixion: A Synthesis of Victorian Theology and Theater” (Atlanta hub)

Jenna Parks (Texas State University), “Undeniably Human: Robert Browning’s ‘Madhouse Cells’” (Waco hub)

Holly Spofford-McReynolds (Colorado Christian University), “Genesis, Revelation, and Character Development in Aurora Leigh” (Boulder hub)

Ruth-Anne Walbank (University of Warwick), “’The deep hell of ills’: Exploring hellscapes as working-class poetry from the Lancashire Cotton Famine (1861-1865)” (Lancaster hub)

David Willey (Baylor University), “‘this dreamer of dreams’: Biblical Resonances in the Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde” (Waco hub)

Search for and join also the “Global Religions Roundtable” from June 1

Silence and Voicing
Storms, Floods, & Shipwrecks

Tara Beaney (University of Aberdeen), “Supernatural Storms: European Literary Perspectives on the Tay Bridge Disaster” (Stirling hub) as well as slide deck

Richard Fallon (University of Nottingham), “Politicians’ Deluge: Literary Science and Global Flood Myths” (Stirling hub)

Laura Gill (University of Lincoln), “Lucky Beatrix and the Tullivers:  The Child in Victorian Flood Narratives, 1860–70” (Stirling hub)

Barbara Leckie (Carleton University), “Storms Clouds Redux: Thinking Through Extreme Weather Events, Past and Present” (Montréal hub plenary)

Waiyee Loh (Kanagawa University), Slide Deck for “Cosmopolitan Communities in Port Cities: Canton and the Opium War in *Flood of Fire*” (Seoul hub)

Lydia Martin (Baylor University), “Event: ‘Drowned between Midnight and Morning, Dec 7th,’ 1875” (Waco hub) and also handout

The Supernatural and the Occult

Tara Beaney (University of Aberdeen), “Supernatural Storms: European Literary Perspectives on the Tay Bridge Disaster” (Stirling hub) as well as slide deck

Diana Bellonby (Organizer), “Deadly Jokes: On Believing Men, Genre-Switching, and Vernon Lee’s Ghosts” (Atlanta hub)

Michael Chemers (UC Santa Cruz), “Very Trashy: The Making of the American Vampire” (Davis hub) and also slide deck

Kimberly Cox (Chadron State College), “Silences As Event: Naming Rape in ‘The Beetle’ and ‘The Parasite’” (Boulder hub)

Renee Fox (UC Santa Cruz), “Genre and the Making of Monsters” (Davis hub)

John Miller (University of Sheffield), Slide Deck for “Towards a Victorian Psychedelic Ecology” (Stirling hub)

Olivia Murr (Texas State University), “Obscured Visions: Metaphysical Dilemmas in J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s In a Glass Darkly” (Waco hub)

John Plotz (Brandeis University), “The Non-Event of Horror: Algernon Blackwood in the Age of Wells” (Boston hub)

Rieko Suzuki (Waseda U), “The Brownings on Spiritualism” (Lancaster hub)

Mike Wilkinson (University of British Columbia), “’Science at the Boundaries and the Subject at the Center’: Arthur Conan Doyle, the Weird, and the Idea of the Psychic Researcher” (Seattle hub) and also slide deck

Teaching and Pedagogy

Lindsey Chappell (Georgia Southern University), Reading the Museum in the British Literature Classroom (Atlanta hub)

Laura Green (Northeastern University), “(More) Hardy: More (Hardy): Recovery and the Event of Recognition” (Boston hub)

Irmtraud Huber (University of Konstanz), “Knowing our Strength—Humanities Skills as Transformative Skills” (Konstanz hub) (Konstanz hub)

Mary Isbell (University of New Haven) and Lauren Boasso (University of New Haven), “The End of Victorian Literature” (Boston hub)

Laura Rotunno (Penn State Altoona), “The Career of Emily Morse Symonds: An Event Encapsulating  the Complexities of the English Women’s Emancipation Movement” (Boston hub)

Lauren Wilwerding (Boston College), “Reflective Practice in the Victorianist Classroom” (Boston hub)

Search for and join also the “Material Cultures Panel” from March 1 and the “Teaching Panel” from August 7

Time and Temporality

Sukanya Banerjee (UC Berkeley), “Event, Noneventality, Narrative: The Problem of the Climate Crisis” (digital-only panel)

Eleanor Courtemanche (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), “Apocalypse Normal: Trauma and Economic Repetition in Gaskell’s North and South” (West Lafayette hub)

Kimberly DeFazio (University of Wisconsin, La Crosse), “Rereading Marx Reading Spinoza: Materialism, Matter and the Event” (West Lafayette hub)

Dino Franco Felluga (Purdue University), “Open Assembly —Building for the Future after the Collapse of the Humanities” (Konstanz hub)

Deanna Kreisel (University of Mississippi), “The Peaty Moisture of Wuthering Heights” (Atlanta hub) and also slide deck

Stefanie Markovits (Yale University), “George Eliot’s Epochs” (Boston hub)

Benjamin Morgan (University of Chicago), “Hugh Miller and the Theological Aesthetics of Deep Time” (West Lafayette hub)

Monique Morgan (Indiana University), “’The Anticipation of Retrospection’: The Time Machine as Challenge to Narrative Theory and Progressive Science” (West Lafayette hub)

Negeen Nikravesh (Washington University), “Hardy’s Pastoral Gothic and Temporal Hauntings: The Ghostly Female Body and Gothic Time” (Davis hub)

Ana Raquel Rojas (University of San Francisco), “‘We people of the nineteenth century’ – Vernon Lee’s Temporal & Aesthetic Philosophy of the Fin-de-siècle” (Davis hub)

Michael Ratnapalan (Yonsei University), “Sacred Histories of Empire in the Thought of John Henry Newman” (Seoul hub)


Alexander Dick (University of British Columbia), “Walter Scott, Pauline Johnson/Takehionwake, and the Vancouver Picturesque” (Seattle hub plenary panel) and also slide deck and longer version

Valery Goutorova (University of Saint Andrews), “A Room of Carlyle’s Own: Virginia Woolf’sVisits to Carlyle’s House Museum” (Stirling hub)

Madoka Nagado (University of the Ryukyus), “The Layers of Legend and History: The Blind Beggar, the Kray Twins, and the Construction of London’s Cultural Landscape” (Cardiff hub)

Sophia Yoon (Emory University), “The Inevitability of Liberalism in Adam Bede” (Undergraduate Paper, Atlanta hub)


Elizabeth Chang (University of Missouri), “Weird Ornaments in Jade” (Seattle hub) (Seattle hub) and also slide deck

Kimberly Cox (Chadron State College), “Silences As Event: Naming Rape in ‘The Beetle’ and ‘The Parasite’” (Boulder hub)

Sophie Franklin (University College Dublin), “Inheritance or Contagion? Violent Events in Arthur Morrison’s A Child of the Jago” (Cardiff hub)

Kristen Hanley Cardozo (Northeastern University), “Brutal Logic: The Divided Masculinity of Stevenson’s Strange Case” (Davis hub)

Joseph McLaughlin (Ohio University), “Christina Rossetti, War Poet: Imperial Gothic in ‘In the Round Tower at Jhansi, June 8, 1857’” (West Lafayette hub) and also slide deck

Joseph McReynolds (Arma dei Academy), “Hardy’s Anthropomorphous Forces: The Phenomenological Mimesis of Cruel Givenness in Jude the Obscure” (Boulder hub) and also slide deck

Padma Rangarajan (UC Riverside), “The Dynamiter: Terror as Nonevent” (Davis hub)

Damian Sutton (Coventry University), “1865: Cartes de visite, the Lincoln Conspiracy, and the Evolution of Transnational Imagination” (Stirling hub)

Rebecca Williamson (University of Glasgow), “Private Events and Public Narratives: The Child Murder Trial of Catherine Watson and Eliza Cameron, 1857” (Stirling hub)

Visualization and the Visual Arts

Veronic Alfano (Macquarie University), “Exhibiting Aestheticism: Embodiment, Abstraction, and the Avant-Garde as Commodity” (Melbourne hub)

Sally Blackburn-Daniels (Teesside University) and Matthew Bradley (University of Liverpool), “Turn-of-the-Century Aesthetics in the Age of AI: Vernon Lee and Refik Anadol” (Lancaster hub)

Helen Blythe (Auckland), “‘You Must Not Believe A Word He Says’: Exhibit and Sound in Anthony Trollope’s Ayala’s Angel (1881)” (Melbourne hub) and also slide deck

Andrew Chang (University of Toronto) “Impressions of the English-Opium Eater: Self-fashioning in Victorian Fictional Autobiography” (Montréal hub) and also slide deck

Alexander Dick (University of British Columbia), “Walter Scott, Pauline Johnson/Takehionwake, and the Vancouver Picturesque” (Seattle hub plenary panel) and also slide deck and longer version

Sara Hackenberg (San Francisco State University), “Sherlock Holmes, Baffled: Early Cinema and 19th-Century Mystery” (Davis hub)

Luciana Hermida (Liverpool John Moores University), “Imagining the Invisible: Art and Science in the Work of Charles Darwin and Ernst Haeckel” (Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden hub) and also slide deck

Jihae Koo (Kookmin University), “Photography and the Desire for Distinction in Victorian Literature” (Seoul hub)

Jennifer Rabedeau (Cornell University), “The Aesthetics of Preservation” (Boston hub) and also slide deck

Michelle Reynolds (University of Exeter), “On the Global Stage: Jessie Marion King and the 1902 Turin Exhibition” (Stirling hub) and also slide deck

Katherine Stein (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) “Making History in Victorian Birthday Books: The Child Author and the Event of the Birthday” (Atlanta hub)

Saverio Tomaiuolo (Cassino University), “Drawing the (Un)finished Line in The Mystery of Edwin Drood” (Cardiff hub)

Taylor Tomko (Western University), “Not made for any earthly amori:” Radical Aestheticism in Vernon Lee’s Hauntings” (Montréal hub)

Wilde, Oscar

Aaron Eames (Navitas), “The Death of a Poet: Remembering Wilde” (Cardiff hub) and also slide deck

Anne Stiles (Saint Louis University), “The Neuron in Fiction by Marie Corelli and Oscar Wilde” (West Lafayette hub)

David Willey (Baylor University), “‘this dreamer of dreams’: Biblical Resonances in the Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde” (Waco hub)

The Woman in White

CR Dean (University of Florida), “The Swarthy Other: Marian Halcombe in Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White” (Atlanta hub)

Ji-Eun Kim (The Catholic University of Korea), “The Discourse on Colors in Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White” (Seoul hub)

Tyson Stolte (New Mexico State University), “Energies and Combinations: The Woman in White, Plot, and the Victorian Physical Sciences” (Boulder hub)

War, Rebellion, and Revolution

David Finkelstein (University College London), “Publishing the Sensation of the Year: Blackwood’s and the Battle of Dorking (1871)” (Stirling hub)

Robert Jenkins (University of Tasmania), “A Myth Besieged: How Indian Political Violence Transformed a Popular Genre of British Fiction” (Melbourne hub)

Marisa Palacios Knox (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), “Thomas Carlyle’s Other Revolutions: On South American Heroes and ‘Dr. Francia'” (Waco hub)

Cassie LeGette (University of Georgia), “Remembering the Morant Bay Rebellion with Claude McKay” (Atlanta hub)

Waiyee Loh (Kanagawa University), Slide Deck for “Cosmopolitan Communities in Port Cities: Canton and the Opium War in *Flood of Fire*” (Seoul hub)

Joseph McLaughlin (Ohio University), “Christina Rossetti, War Poet: Imperial Gothic in ‘In the Round Tower at Jhansi, June 8, 1857’” (West Lafayette hub) and also slide deck

Elizabeth Rawlinson-Mills (University of Cambridge), “Imperial masculinities in the newspaper poetry of the South African War, 1899-1902” (Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden hub) and also slide deck

Matthew Skwiat (Morehouse University), Thomas Carlyle’s Eventful History: The French Revolution and the Melodramatic Mode (Atlanta hub)

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